Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes of 9/15/11

Amended and Approved on 10/5/11

Sharon Town Hall

Filmed by SCTV


Committee Attendees

Corey Snow, Chair 

Jane Desberg, Treasurer

Meredith de Carbonnel  - absent

Susan Rich

Allen Garf  - absent

Anne Bingham

Marc Bluestein - absent




Alice Cheyer

Dave Martin


Meeting Initiation

Chair Snow called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The conversation began with the project discussion.



Historic Fire Truck

Dave Martin of the Sharon Fire Department stated that he is working with Lieutenant J.J. McGrath about the 1923 Maxim Hook and Ladder City Service Truck that came to Sharon in 1925. It remained in service in the Town for approximately 30 years. The truck was sold to the town of Dunstable, MA where it stayed until 1966 when it was finally taken out of service. It was then sold in 1999 to an owner in Ottawa, Canada. From 1999 until July, 2005 Ladder No. 1 underwent a complete restoration and then was used in various parades and community affairs in Canada. The truck has been brought back to Sharon and CPA funds are being requested to help pay for the truck and its transport. Mr. Martin said this truck is an important piece of Sharon’s history. They are requesting $25,000 for the ladder truck and $5,000 for the trailer. They have already raised $6,000. They are still looking for a permanent place to keep the truck as well as funds for its upkeep.


Ms. Desberg suggested asking for $30,000 and keep the $6,000 raised for the funds upkeep.


Ms. Bingham asked about money appropriations for the Historic category. Chair Snow said that 10% would be allocated for historic which would be a minimum of $45,000.


Ms. Desberg asked Mr. Martin if the application for funds had been completed and he said it had not. She said in the bylaws there needs to be two votes so the application needs to be received.


Mr. Martin said that School Street has been thought of as a potential home for the truck perhaps making it into a fire/police museum.


No motion was made because a formal application is needed to insure the criteria is met.


Station Street Park

Chair Snow said they are not asking for CPC money for this project as previously thought. He said that the DPW needs to be made aware that if they use CPA funds, they can ask for funds for future improvements.


Ms. Rich said they want the park to require minimal maintenance. They selected plants that will be established in less time. Ms. Desberg will contact Peter O’Cain to ensure he is made aware that CPA monies can be used for maintenance of the park if CPA funds help to create it.


Chair Snow said that if they do not ask for CPA funds they cannot come back for equipment like a play structure, etc. Ms. Bingham said she thinks the DPW should use monies from the tree fund and CPA funds combined. Mr. Snow said that because the land is raw, CPA funds can be used for this project.


Chair Report

Chair Snow said he completed the CP3 form which is database of projects that were funded. If not completed, the state payment would have been held up.


With reference to the invoices, there is a mix of legal billings that need to be broken down by project.


Ms. Desberg asked what happens if the legal amount to be funded is in excess of $5,000 what would happen.  Chair Snow said that was a good questions and each bill has to be allocated correctly.



1. Ms. Rich volunteered to update the application submission form.


2. Ms. Bingham volunteered to read the bylaws and update/provide her opinion.


3. Ms. Cheyer asked the committee if their philosophy was to go out into the community and search for large or small projects. Ms. Rich commented that in her opinion smaller projects tell people we are here. Ms. Desberg said the most important word is community. There are merits to the big projects we do. Things would be remiss if we did not take on small projects. Ms. Cheyer suggests publicity and Ms. Desberg said that outreach is important.



Ms. Desberg moved to approve the meeting minutes of 3/24/11 as written. Ms. Rich seconded the motion and the Committee voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Next Meeting Dates



Meeting Adjournment

Ms. Rich moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM and Ms. Bingham seconded the motion. The Committee voted 4-0-0 in favor.



1. Handout from Dave Martin entitled “help bring Sharon Fire Department Ladder #1 Home